
Live Reloading in Quil Cljs

Quil supported live reloading since forever and it has been one of its coolest features. But only in Clojure. ClojureScript version lacked the support until now. Latest Quil release (2.2.6) fixes the problem. Now if you use plugins for live coding in ClojureScript such as figwheel - you'll be able to reload Quil functions (draw, update, key handlers) on fly without reloading the browser. Here is 3 steps instructions how to do it:

1 Create new Quil cljs project: lein new quil-cljs hello and go to hello folder.
2 Setup figwheel in project.clj:

  :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.6"]
              [lein-figwheel "0.3.3"]]
  :cljsbuild {:builds [{:source-paths ["src"]
                          :figwheel true
                          :compiler {...}}]}

3 Start figwheel: lein figwheel.

That's all. Now open index.html and you should see a ball rotating around the center of the sketch. When you update core.clj and save it - the updates will be reflected in the browser. For example change rotation direction by modifying update function: replace plus with minus: (- (:angle state) 0.1) and save it. The ball will start rotating in counter-clockwise direction.

Auto-reloading is supported only in defsketch. If you use sketch function - it won't work (the same as in Clojure version). When defsketch macro is used, all functions (draw, update, etc) are wrapped into anonymous functions so they're called by name rather than by value. This allows for reloading to work: when hello.core/draw is reloaded by figwheel, quil will call the anonymous function wrapper which in turn calls hello.core/draw. It adds some overhead so use sketch instead of defsketch in "production".

Published on 15 Jun 2015

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